Raisa Chapinotti

Raisa Chapinotti

Raisa Chapinotti is the co-founder of the Aquatic Moviment project and a holistic therapist. For the last ten years, she has been researching aquatic bodywork in different parts of the world, including South America, Europe and Asia. As an instructor and practitioner, she develops her research mainly based on the principles of Watsu®, Water Dance® and WOGA®, and deepens her studies by approaching other aquatic techniques such as Healing Dance, Somatic Education in Water, Liquid Cosmos and Rebirth. She is an Ayurvedic therapist and yoga instructor, has training in Chinese medicine, quantum energy alignment and is a Tantsu practitioner.

Passionate about water experiences, she uses this element to favour personal and collective processes of self-knowledge and human development, starting from the individual’s intimate connection with their own waters.
For more details, visit:



Katie Greaves

Brit born Katie is joining the team on Liquidzome

Water has always been Katie’s guiding force, and she was also born on a full moon in pisces.

Katie has been offering Aquatic Bodywork & Water Therapy sessions since 2017. Water therapy completely changed her life after severe spinal problems, and has taken her all of the world in search of trainings, learnings, and courses. Her background includes Healing Dance, Dolphin Dance, Wataflow, Somatics, Watsu and self created WaterYoga.

Each session is different dependent on the needs of the receiver. Normally we explore stillness, flow, dynamic fluidity, expansion, pure invisible presence, deep listening and intuitive flow. Deep sense of coming HOME to the body, to the water, and way beyond.

Katie offers bespoke taster sessions at the Zome, as well as deeper programmes for those looking for Reset & Renew. Her motto is Surrender the the Flow


and has taken her all around the world

training, learning

Each session is different depending


Laruna Reka


Reka is a watsu® and waterdance practitioner, massage therapist, yoga and meditation teacher, BioPsicoEmotion Comportamental Facilitator and Spiritual Junky.

The Purpose, the foundation and the anchor of her work is awareness and connection to our Being, our pure essence; ‘awakening our true nature allows us to understand the distortions and return to a deep truth that allows us to expand our potential’.

Receiving a session is a deep journey into a strong connection with yourself, your body and beyond… could be like diving into your ancestral connection, your roots, where you belong to or unusual memories from the unknown and at same time explore and sense a feeling of motherhood and heartful presence, flowing into a river, melting in a sense of union of an immense sea.


‘EssereAqua is my purpose, to offer to you space and freedom and in the same time give a new imprinting with a supportive and careful energy touch, in order to face any kind of fears, release emotions, while harmonizing yin and yang qualities and building a strong and deep trust in life trough presence and water ‘.


Lao Marin

Aguahara – Dança na Água

Nascida em Berlim e cidadã do mundo, Lao Marin teve o seu momento de life-changing em 2012. Acontece a muitas pessoas que têm encontros inesperados com este fascinante universo das terapias aquáticas: há um dia em que tudo muda. Desde aí tem estudado intensamente as práticas de aguahara e dança na água. Há cerca de um ano fundou a Somaquatics, onde desenvolve um trabalho pessoal e comunitário através de sessões individuais, workshops, cursos e retiros. Tornou-se terapeuta, cuidadora, ativista e professora, viajou para vários lugares onde explorou as suas técnicas e partilhou conhecimento com diferentes facilitadores desta área. Foi assim que nasceu a ideia de fazer um projecto chamado Temple of Water, que reúne uma comunidade dedicada a experiências na água, sejam elas artísticas, de cura ou até políticas. Nesta rede de contactos e vontade de conhecer o mundo e cada cultura, é fluente em alemão (a sua língua-mãe), inglês, espanhol e português.

A experiência de uma sessão individual com a Lao é por isso um momento único, onde todos os seus conhecimentos provenientes da dança e do tempo a que pratica e ensina aguahara, fazem desse momento, algo bastante especial que aconselhamos.

Ofer Rosenthal

Teraphist – Teacher


It was through the Psychology and Special Education course at the University of Bologna that Ofer Rosenthal arrived at water therapies. Further study for a thesis brought him closer to the enormous possibilities that dolphin therapies offer. At the same time, he became a freediver. The Dead Sea is his home, his temple where he dedicates much of his time, in an endless discovery of the benefits of water. About this change in her life, she says: “until today I have never stopped studying breathing, manual therapy, dance, movement disciplines, psychology, anatomy, ecotherapy, nutrition, music therapy, medicinal plants, spiritual practice, everything that enriches the meaning of life. life and is part of collective art.”

His favorite environment is the wild waters, but Ofer has traveled the world, taking his experience to countless places, both as a therapist and as a trainer in the modality he created: Flydeeper. One of his favorite sites is LiquidZome, and on it we leave his words in English (because some things get lost in translation):

“Liquid Zome is a temple of Love for water and earth,
is the Haven of Trust
it’s a Discovery Channel of the mind and the soul
the sacred geometry the lights
the cork isolation…
the hosts that driven for pleasure
the vision
many pool are active in the world, this is a big move with the fin towards infinity.”

Kfir Kol

I have been an athlete my entire life and started playing water polo at age 10. As an adult, I have found a balance between bodywork and different mind-body healing treatments and therapy. I am trained in hydrotherapy and when my (now 17-year-old) daughter was born I started observing and learning babies’ movement in the water. Currently I make a living working with babies in the water. I am also trained in Water Dance, Watsu, Healing Dance, Shiatsu, Thai massage, Yoga and Pilates.

Omer Shenar

Therapist – Trainer

Watsu – Jahara – Water Dance – Aguahara – Aqua Stretch – Bad Ragaz – Pilates
Shiatsu – Craniosacral – Animo-Tuina – Myofascial Release

Omer combines the best of both worlds: he integrates conventional western physical therapy principles
with holistic methods of care more known in the East. His training as a hydrotherapist (in
Wingate Institute in Israel) was directed towards rehabilitation which he practiced intensely for the last seven years., working 

at the Sheba medical center in Tel Aviv, ranked as one of the best
hospitals in the world. The experience he gained led him to understand that each person has
its own needs and that there are no hard lines in the healing and treatment processes. This is his
philosophy: to find balance in working the body, mind and spirit as
a whole, without forcing anyone into uncomfortable situations.
As a therapist, Omer brings together several strands and chooses those that best adapt to
each person. He is a connoisseur of human anatomy and physiology with immense experience in physical and traumatic rehabilitation. 

With the evolution of his knowledge and development of a partnership with Flothetta (a line of specifically designed accessories for aquatic sessions, created by Unnur Valdís) , he created ‘Float Therapy’, a deeply meditative technique that he teaches in trainings all over the world.

When in Portugal, he regularly works with us at the LiquidZome. 

Instagram: omer_shenar
Facebook: /omer.shenar.7

Shira Maim Haim

Walking the path of water healing since 2012, Shira is a certified Hydrotherapist with rich experience. Shira is certified with the leading coursework on the approaches to water therapy including Watsu, Waterdance, Fluid Presence and additional therapeutic methods. She has developed groundbreaking programs that develop a love of water in children. Combining a holistic and spiritual approach with hundreds of hours of coursework.
Shira has carried out aquatic bodywork sessions for thousands of clients around the globe.

My sessions immerse you in a tranquil water setting where fear and pain can bubble to the surface, yielding profound healing and transformation.

Tiago Paraíso

Flydeeper – Aquatic Healing Arts

Water therapies are his passion.

The “road” of life has brought him to this path. After a serious injury that left him limited in the movement of his back, only with the practice of aquatic therapies was he able to heal. This process was so transforming in his life, that since then he has been connected in his training and transmission of this knowledge and presence.

He has training in therapies such as Flydeeper, Watsu, Liquid Touch and others, in addition to his Masters in Psychology and a Post Graduation in Biostatistics.
Tiago is one of the aquatic facilitators at LiquidZome and believes that every being has a deep desire to be heard. He loves to listen. Allow him to hear you through the water.

Fran Carocci

Italian by birth, a citizen of the world by heart, Francesco Carocci, our dear Fran, has 15 years of experience in therapies and well-being. He is a healer by intuition, but nevertheless dedicated years of study to several therapeutic approaches, such as Osteopathy, Hydrotherapy, Waterdance or Fluid Presence. His focus is on physical problems, whether muscular, neurological, postoperative or traumatic. At the crossroads of ancestral wisdom and modern knowledge, Fran has the best of both worlds and knows how to apply them wisely.


He is also a yoga practitioner and enjoys exploring water dancing. He is the creator of the technique, or style, Liquid Touch, a somatic journey in water.