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O Nosso Blog

Laruna Reka


Reka is a watsu® and waterdance practitioner, massage therapist, yoga and meditation teacher, BioPsicoEmotion Comportamental Facilitator and Spiritual Junky.

The Purpose, the foundation and the anchor of her work is awareness and connection to our Being, our pure essence; ‘awakening our true nature allows us to understand the distortions and return to a deep truth that allows us to expand our potential’.

Receiving a session is a deep journey into a strong connection with yourself, your body and beyond… could be like diving into your ancestral connection, your roots, where you belong to or unusual memories from the unknown and at same time explore and sense a feeling of motherhood and heartful presence, flowing into a river, melting in a sense of union of an immense sea.


‘EssereAqua is my purpose, to offer to you space and freedom and in the same time give a new imprinting with a supportive and careful energy touch, in order to face any kind of fears, release emotions, while harmonizing yin and yang qualities and building a strong and deep trust in life trough presence and water ‘.



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