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O Nosso Blog

Kfir Kol

I have been an athlete my entire life and started playing water polo at age 10. As an adult, I have found a balance between bodywork and different mind-body healing treatments and therapy. I am trained in hydrotherapy and when my (now 17-year-old) daughter was born I started observing and learning babies’ movement in the water. Currently I make a living working with babies in the water. I am also trained in Water Dance, Watsu, Healing Dance, Shiatsu, Thai massage, Yoga and Pilates.

Já começaste a tua aprendizagem no mundo das terapias aquáticas?
Have you started your learning process in the world of aquatic bodywork?

Ainda estas a começar ou já tens experiência? Queres aprender mais e melhorar a tua técnica?

Are you starting or are you experienced? Do you want to learn more and improve your technique?