What do you know about Water Dance?
A Water Dance session begins on the surface of the water where the recipient is gently floated through a series of movements to prepare the body to enter a state of deep relaxation. A nose clip is offered, allowing the practitioner to take the recipient on a deep underwater journey with graceful, fluid movements, weightlessness, the suspension of time and altered realities of movement. Light is dimmed, sounds are muffled and gravity becomes a slow dance of submersion, where waves, twists, spirals, inversions and stillness are born, offering a physical freedom beyond what can be experienced on land. Receivers often report opening up to a new sense of freedom, confidence, joy, ecstasy, bliss, renewed heart connection and deep meditation. A deep level of trust and surrender becomes the key to safe passage through the doorway between the two worlds above and below the surface of the water.
Knowing the creator
WaTa is the abbreviated form of the German words ‘Wasser Tanzen’ (Water Dance). Arjana is the co-founder of WaterDance and imported WATSU® to Switzerland in the 1990s. She is recognised by WABA (Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association, USA) and IAKA (Institut für Aquatische Körperarbeit, Switzerland, Germany, Austria). In 1993 she created the IAKA Institute, a school dedicated to the art of aquatic touch, recognised worldwide for its aquatic bodywork techniques. In 1996 Arjana brought WATSU® to Belgium. Since then, she has taught WATSU® and WATA all over the world (https://www.waterdance.world).